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About Us

We are thankful to our Lord for providing this Gospel Tract in over 100 languages for Evangelism to Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for Jesus Christ. We were commissioned to India from Seoul, Korea by Yoido Full Gospel Church, pastored by Paul Yonggi Cho, from 1983 through 1987. (View Certificates of Appointment for James and Hamsa, James' Indian Drivers License and James' Air Force Certificate of Recognition). While living in India this Gospel Tract was given to us by our Lord while millions of prayers were being offered up for us by the Korean people. We also thank our Christian brothers and sisters who have done these translations for us from around the world. We maintain this web site but the real owners are the ones who have sacrificed their time doing these translations. These Christians have proved responsible to our Lord to reach their culture with The Gospel Message! We encourage our readers to send us a translation of your language if it is not posted to our web site. Also audio recordings are welcomed.

Photo GalleryThis is a photo gallery of our work in India from 1983 through 1987. We look a bit younger then, but our passion for Evangelism has never aged!

In Christ's Love,
James and Hamsa Sasse

James Sasse, Born in Norfolk, Nebraska
Hamsa Sasse, Born in Thiruvanmalai, Thirunelvalli District, Tamil Nadu, India
Married, Calvary Temple, Denver, Colorado, 1973
Children, David, Peter, Anita, Sandra

Pastors and Elders provided our training and Spiritual growth are as follows:

Elder Lawrence Lovett, First Methodist Church, Pilger, Nebraska. 1963-1967
Pastor Glenn Brown, Paul Holdeman (MYF) First Methodist Church, Loveland, Colorado, 1963-1967
Pastor Charles Blair, Willard Dugger, Calvary Temple, Denver, Colorado, 1973-1975
Pastor Charity and Ruth Harris, Assembly of God, Denver, Colorado, 1975-1980
Pastor Bob Hooley, Faith Bible Chapel, Arvada, Colorado, 1980-1983
Pastor Paul Yonggi Cho, Pastor Suck San Kim, Yoido Full Gospel Church, Seoul, Korea, 1983-1987
Pastor D. Daniel, India Jesus Loves You Church. Yercaud India 1985-1987
Pastor Bruce Allen, First Baptist Church, Centerville, Georgia, 1988-1990
Pastor Sam Drye, Holy Spirit Harvest Church, Macon, Georgia, 1990-1995
Pastor Steve Sawyer, Harvest Cathedral, Macon, Georgia, 1995-2000
Pastor Doug Newberry, River of Life, Macon, Georgia, 2000-2003
Pastor Peter Paul, Rose of Sharon Church, Lizella, Georgia, 2003-2012
Pastor Andrew Wommack, Colorado Sprongs, Colorado, 2012-2013
Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2013-2015
Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn Georgia, 2015-2021
Pastor Maharaja Daniel, India Jesus Loves You Church, 2021-present

Hamsa Sasse (click to enlarge)
Edgar and Ethel Sasse
Edgar and Ethel Sasse in 1962 (click to enlarge)
Robert and Bonnie Sasse
Robert and Bonnie Sasse, 1941 (click to enlarge)

We are indebted to the Pastors, Lay Leaders and family who were instrumental in making this Mission Work to India possible from 1983 through 1987:

Pastor Barnes Prabakaran, Chennai, 1983-1984
David and Banu David and family, Chennai, 1983-1987
D.S. and Rani Nelson and family, Chennai, 1983-1987 
A.S. and Profella Paul and family. Chennai, 1983-1987
Mr. Ravi Paul, Chennai, 1980-1987
Walter Bennett, Yercaud, 1985-1987
Prem and Hema Kumar, Danishpet, 1985-1987
Victor Selvaraj, Salem, 1985-1987
Dr. and Mrs. Harinderanath, Salem, 1985-1987
Pastor Gunasageran, Yercaud, 1985-1987
Mrs. Peter Devadas, Chennai, 1983-1985

My best friend in high school
Richard Melvin Hilderbrand

Last but not least my wonderful wife Hamsa who has been so faithful over our past 35 years of marriage that has made all this work possible! Also to my Grandparents Edgar and Ethel Sasse who were in much prayer for me to be in service to Christ on the Mission Fields of the World. To my parents Robert and Bonnie Sasse for their directing me as their fine example of righteous living so that I was able to then make the right choices in my life!

In Christ's Love.
James Sasse
October 15, 2008 (updated 2017)